Moloney-O'Brien Publishing
Moloney-O'Brien Publishing is a division of The Hilliard Institute for Educational Wellness and Hilliard Press. This publishing branch was launched in 2017 and named after Kevin O'Brien (Abbeyleix, Ireland) and Marianne Moloney (Mountrath and Limerick, Ireland), who both serve on the Moloney-O’Brien Publishing Advisory Team.
Marianne Moloney, Kevin O'Brien, and Dr. K. Mark Hilliard
Moloney-O'Brien's main focus is the art of storytelling as it is passed down, generation to generation, from person to person, and from one form of presentation to another. How can we, in our modern age, regenerate and re-voice the stories and styles of other cultures or other times? How can we take inspiration from others types of writing such as poetry and philosophy and psalms and craft it into something new, yet the same?
Whatever is not to be forgotten, must be told! When it is told, it becomes a story. And every story has meaning. Isn't that the reason we share stories, to share meaning? The connecting of one life to another, of one event to another, of one day in time to another day in time, from one genre to another? Stories need to go forward with new time giving them a new life.
The first two books published under Moloney-O'Brien are by Dr. K. Mark Hilliard. The first, The Crow's Enchanted Dance: The Phenomenology of Sacred Place and Sacred Space, was released with a tour in Ireland in 2017. The book and author then launched and toured in parts of Tennessee. The second book, Crowdancing and the Cherokee Storyteller's Bag: A Memoir of My Expanded-Imagination, was pre-released at The Power of Words Literary Festival in Ireland in August 2022 and launched in America in October of 2022. It is book one of a planned trilogy. The author is touring each division of Tennessee (West, Middle, East) in October–December 2023.
In addition to these two books of storytelling, Moloney-O’Brien also worked closely with Hilliard Press in overseeing and publishing a book of short stories by Irish authors during 2020–21. This book is entitled The Power of Words Festival ‘Unlocked’ An Anthology of Short Stories from Emerging Irish Writers and was released to encourage writers to unlock their craft in spite of the COVID lockdown conditions at the time, and with the hope of sharing in person again soon. The anthology is available from
We hope you will stay with us as we journey through this new adventure in telling stories in new ways. Telling stories with deep, underlying meaning, and using various and unique styles. Somehow making the old, new, and the new, old. This is Moloney-O'Brien.
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