The Hilliard Institute

The Hilliard Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation offering sensory education programing, experiential learning, and academic research and publishing while also supporting philanthropic initiatives through fundraising and educational training and activities—all under the umbrella of the concept of Educational Wellness

The Hilliard Institute. 4440 Savage Pointe Drive. Franklin, TN 37064

Email Dr. K. Mark Hilliard at

or Professor Jessa R. Sexton at

Crowdancing Book Tour Dates To Come

By Dr. K. Mark Hilliard

Gatlinburg, Tennessee:  East Tennessee

The next tour stop for Crowdancing and the Cherokee Storyteller’s Bag is at the Anna Porter Public Library in Gatlinburg on Dec 1st from 4 to 6:00 p.m. Much of the story takes place in The-Land-of-Blue-Haze—The Smoky Mountains. More details to come.

Cherokee, North Carolina

The Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indian Reservation 

The Reservation book tour stop is planned for December or January. Final details are now being put into place. This is the place that inspired the majority of the book’s stories. More details to follow. 

Spring Hill, Tennessee:  Middle Tennessee

The Spring Hill book tour stop will be at the Spring Hill Public Library Feb 4th at 2:00. This is the place I currently live and the place from where much of the book was written. More details will come as the event occurs, but this tour stop will include a session on poetry by Jessa Rose Sexton and a session on storytelling by me. 

What is the Focus of Each Book Tour Stop and Talk?

Much of the early history of Native Americans—Indians as the Cherokee call themselves—and how tribes lived and worked and played and believed has been lost. The earliest records of the Cherokee were passed down generation by generation through oral stories, traditions, rituals, and drawings or markings kept on leather skins—carved into or painted on cave walls and other stone objects or placed (stored) through stor-ied memory into a piece of cloth, a stone, a feather, or any object composed of matter and kept in a secret place. A place such as the Cherokee Storyteller's Bag within this story. 

At each of my tour stops, I pull stories from the Bundle-of-Talk held within my Storyteller’s Bag, and I share each ancient historic tale with all who come to listen or decide to take my book home to read.

Each and every story is based on a memory kept deep within my mind and within the bag, but now released as I tell each tale. The decision on what I read and what information I share at each tour stop is very individualized and based on the location, the history of the location, the audience, and the actual mood of each group. That’s how storytelling should occur.

So join me at one of these stops and listen and see for yourself.

Crowdancing Book Tour Dates and Stops So Far

By Dr. K. Mark Hilliard

Book Tour Dates and Book Stops Along the Way

To Ireland and Beyond!

As I have gained in age (I started writing at age 40 and am now 65), I have come to appreciate placing a week, or perhaps even two, between each stop in my book tour, rather than moving so swiftly from place to place, day after day. This slowed pace is giving me the time to sit with each of my groups of attendees at each book signing and talk. To talk with the groups as a whole and to talk with any and all who wish to come early or stay late, and chat. This book is, after all, a book about storytelling, and storytelling takes time and patience. 

The initial phase of this book-tour began in August 2022 and will continue through February 2023. Phase two will talk place in the summer of 2023, with an intent to return to Ireland at that time. This is where the book held its pre-release Tea and a Talk launch at the Power of Words Literary Festival in Abbeyleix, Ireland, August 19th through the 21st..

This pre-release was then followed by a tour throughout the major divisions of my home state of Tennessee (We are a very horizontally expansive state.) with tour stops planned for West Tennessee, Middle Tennessee, East Tennessee, and just over the state border into Cherokee, North Carolina. With each of these divisional-launches, I invite you, whether in person or in spirit, to come alone for the journey, as I share this "Memoir of my Expanded-Imagination."  

Tennessee Book Tour Stops So Far

Jellico, Tennessee: East Tennessee

The Crowdancing and the Cherokee Storyteller’s Bag Ireland-American Book Tour 2022-23 had its first stop in Tennessee on Wednesday, October 26, 2022, at the Jellico Public Library. This small village is where I lived from age ten to fourteen, and it was the inspiration for a one of this books’ largest chapters—”Beyond the Days of Fun and Folly” which includes “The Call of the White-Crow” and “The-Girl-in-the-Blue-Dress.”

Crowdancing and the Cherokee Storyteller’s Bag is Book One in a carefully planned trilogy, with each book representing a specific portion of my life as examined through my expanded-imagination. I see it as my effort to uncover the past, via actual history and places and myths, as they are each processed through my imagination. 

For this group I shared a reading from one section of my book that was full of fantasy and enchantment, and then I read a section about the mysterious Village of Angelica in the Valley of Elk—all based on stories from my life in Jellico. 

This East Tennessee book launch experienced excellent attendance, far beyond my expectations, with every attendee taking home a signed copy of the book.

Special thanks go to the Jellico Librarian, Mark Tidwell, and the Assistant Librarian, Sheyanne Taylor. You opened your space, not only for the my talk about the Cherokee and my new book, but for multiple hours before and after the event to individually chat with all the attendees—some of whom I had not seen for fifty years. I will make sure it is not another fifty years before I return.

In fact, already in the planning, is a Son of the Preacher Man—A Good News Revival Tour, to each of the places my father use to preach. 

Milan, Tennessee:  West Tennessee

On Thursday, November 10, 2022, I made a book tour stop in West Tennessee at the Mildred G. Fields Memorial Library in Milan, Tennessee. This is where I attended high school and where I lived from age 15-18. A few aspects of my life in Milan are noted near the end of Book One—Crowdancing and the Cherokee Storyteller’s Bag and will continue into Book Two—Crowdancing and the Cherokee Little People. 

With this group I shared details of Cherokee life in the 1600s and about an ancient and unique Cherokee storytelling style that has been all but lost. One of my goals was to reveal stories and information that the audience have never heard before. At the end of my talk, the entire audience concurred that I did indeed fulfill this goal.

I also read a chapter from my book about mystery, enchantment, and the expanded-imagination—all pulled from the sto-ried memory held within an old Cherokee crow feather that I pulled from deep within my storyteller’s bag.

Thanks go to Katie Hollandsworth, Director of the Library—thank you for taking care of me and my audience with a beautiful space and a sundry of cookies and snacks. It was a grand day.

Crowdancing and the Cherokee Storyteller’s Bag: The Story Behind the Story

By Dr. K. Mark Hilliard

The Book: 

Crowdancing and the Cherokee Storyteller’s Bag: A Memoir of My Expanded-Imagination 

Crowdancing’s story is a personal memoir in that it covers portions of my real-life and imaginative-life from before I was born to about age fifteen—all blended together within authentic Cherokee and Irish history, legend, lore, poetry, and fantasy. The story will take you into the midst of ancient Cherokee ceremonies; into the enchanted lands of faerie and fae and dragon and crow; into the hiding places of the Little-People of the Cherokee; into the homes of the Faerie Folk of Ireland; and near and far beyond. 

The Stories will take you into an enchanted world of unseen realms on earth and realms afar; into the lives of the Cherokee-Real-People, and their real-places; places that once stood within time itself, and some still do; yet by some magical mystical means, these places now transcend both time and space, and the hearer of these stories, along with them. 

But that is enough . . .  for now! Let me begin my first tale. 

“O-E-A . . . Yah!

What I have said is true.

And I, the Storyteller, do tell this tale.”

September 2022

That First Copy!

The first copy of my new book, Crowdancing and the Cherokee Storyteller’s Bag, arrived from my publisher, Moloney-O’Brien, today—September 29, 2022.  It is always exciting to see that first hard-copy proof with your own eyes and in the hands that tapped on those computer keys for month upon month wondering if The End would ever come; then to slowly flip through its pages hoping to find no mistakes; to take a sniff of the books utter newness (a mixture of paper and ink and glue); and to read aloud the first chapter and see if the rhythm you strove so hard to maintain, is still there.

And in this case, the excitement was especially rousing because the book was over three years in the creating and writing. And some portions of the book have been sitting idle within my mind and journals for over 25 years (since the time I wrote my doctoral dissertation about the Eastern Band of the Cherokee). 

Crowdancing and the Cherokee Storyteller’s Bag is my first step away from traditional academic writing. Is a historic-fantasy, meta-narrative, novel. As such, I use stories within a story, tales within a tale, and narratives within a narrative to convey a united story of the early life of the lead character, Crowdancing, and his life among the Cherokee and Irish people of the 1600s.

These stories and tales and narratives are all based on my very individualized interpretation of actual historic information; my extensive ritualistic experiences with the Cherokee and Irish cultures; my graduate and post-graduate academic research and training into sensory teaching and learning, the expanded imagination, enchantment, and sacred space; and the personal meaning I have discovered in my individual pursuit and pondering of each. Throughout the book, I labored with love and sweat to place multiple levels of mystery into every single story.

October 2022

The Process!

As I am thinking back on the process of writing this book about Crowdancing and the Cherokee Storyteller’s Bag, I am convinced that all our imaginative stories of fantasy and mystery and magic speak of an inner awareness and belief in the impossible becoming possible. At some inward place, we all believe in magic. And we desire for a bit of that magic to show up today in our commonplace lives.

So I encourage everyone to go outside and look for it. For Godly Enchantment is literally and mysteriously EVERYWHERE! By reading the stories within this story, I hope my readers are stimulated to experience more and more of what I have coined, The Expanded-Imagination. That place where our mind joins with our spirit, our body joins with our soul, and our conscience joins with our heart; and our spirit and soul are asked, to come out a play. 

November 2022

Why a book about the Cherokee, the Irish, and Enchanted Crows?

I've always loved crows, since a child, and in my young 20s I joined the Young Adult Conservation Corps for one year as a Wildlife Biologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife; working with and studying crows, blackbirds, and other animals whose former areas of residence had been invaded by humans, and vice versa.

In my 30s and 40s, I lived and worked on the Cherokee Indian Reservation in North Carolina, conducting research for my doctoral dissertation. This was a place I had often visited as a child with my family. And I had a very mystical experience with a hover of enchanted crows while there. 

In my 40s and 50s I conducted post graduate field college studies in Ireland and England. Visiting hundreds of sacred sites and studying at the Bodleian Library at Oxford University. 

So what I have done in writing this newest book, Crowdancing and the Cherokee Storyteller's Bag, is share my re-creation of what I learned during these multiple grand adventures, and in my studies of myths and facts and mystery and enchantment. 

Tea and a Talk With Hilliard Press (Sessions 1 and 2)

Session One

Dr. K. Mark Hilliard 

The Expanded-Imagination—A Journey into the Enchanted

Our expanded-imagination is activated when our mind and spirit join together as they experience enchantment through sensory stimulation. 

Much too often we wait for enchantment in the big things. We wait for our teens, adulthood, college, marriage, a perfect job, a vacation, then retirement . . . Or, we might simply push enchantment totally out of our life as we grow into adulthood or move closer toward any of these new life experiences. We let enchantment go away, or pass us by as our life-pages are turned. 

Yet authentic enchantment, this journey into our expanded-imagination, is meant to be something we experience every single day of our lives, at every-turn, and at every-age. Join with me on this brief discussion on how to activate this inner place of the expanded imagination within your own soul.

Session Two

Dr. K. Mark Hilliard

Crowdancing and the Cherokee Storyteller’s Bag: a Memoir of My Expanded Imagination

This session is a pre-release of, and a reading from, my newest book. Crowdancing’s story will take you into the midst of the ancient Cherokee ceremonies of the 1600s; into the enchanted lands of faerie and fae and dragon and crow; into the hiding places of the Little-People of the Cherokee; into the homes of the Faerie-Folk of Ireland, and near and far beyond. 

These stories will take you into an enchanted world of unseen realms on earth and realms afar; 

into the lives of The-Cherokee-Real-People, and their real-places; places that once stood within time itself, and some still do; yet by some magical mystical means, these places now transcend both time and space, and the hearer of these stories, along with them. It is a journey into my expanded imagination. And you are invited to come along!

But that-is-enough  . . .  for now! Let me begin my first tale. I will pull it from my Bundle-of-Talk; I will draw it from deep within the Storyteller’s bag; The Storyteller’s bag in which all of Crowdancing’s stories are held captive, only to be released as the stories are told.

O-E-A . . . Yah!

What I have said is true. 

And I, the Storyteller, do tell this tale.”

The Power of Words Festival and Anthology

The Power of Words Festival in Ireland is an annual celebration of words—written, spoken, acted, and sung—that began in the beautiful heritage town of Abbeyleix, Co. Laois, in 2019.

Because of the Covid-19 restrictions, the 2020 Power of Words Festival was postponed. But, in its place was created a joint venture between The Power of Words Festival—Abbeyleix and Hilliard Press (the publishing division of The Hilliard Institute). The result was a short story writing competition! This competition was meant to keep our Irish writers writing during all the Covid-19 lockdowns—and it served as a bridge between our 2019 and 2021 in-person festivals.  

This short story competition took place beginning the 31st of August, 2020, until the 4th of December, 2020. Irish writers were invited to submit short stories of up to 5000 words, on any theme. Approximately forty stories were submitted and our competition judge, renowned Irish author, Amanda Carter, selected the top ten stories which are published within this anthology. The stories then went through the hands and reviews of four editors in Ireland and four editors in Tennessee.

Hilliard Press was then honored to be the publisher for the first Power of Words Abbeyleix Anthology released the summer of 2021 in Ireland, then in Tennessee. Hilliard Press also has a deep heritage and history with Abbeyleix and the County Laois through their mutual ties to the O’More clan. We were thrilled to be a part of the new venture. 

Nova and June Catch the Moon

by Hannah Chaney

Jessa R. Sexton’s latest book is Nova and June Catch the Moon, a stunning new children’s book geared towards young girls who have bold and gusty personalities. The imagery of these two female friends on a journey to catch the moon compares to the wild-fire, faith, and free-spirit kids have—their belief that they can achieve anything. Catching the moon eludes to the simple fact that—together—nothing is impossible if we keep enduring and continue believing in our dream.

Jessa explains, “My new book was written and inspired by two introverted moms with very extroverted, spunky daughters. I'm one of those moms. I’ve spent so many conversations talking to the other mom about how we can make sure our daughters use their spunk and spice for the right things, because we both know that this strong attitude can help them overcome obstacles and fight for the good in the future! Nova and June Catch the Moon was kindled by that hope in our parenting and that faith in our daughters.”

Sexton released the book in May at a signing in the Coffee House at Second and Bridge in Downtown Franklin, Tennessee. The next weekend she was at a book signing at Daylight Donuts in Spring Hill.

Nova and June try to catch the moon

on a late-night, star-bright adventure.

With nets in their hands, they go over their plans,

for this fab, nab-grab joint venture.

And so begins the story of two girls who set out to do the impossible . . . but, you see—things aren’t so impossible when we work together. Because together, girls can do anything!

This hardcover makes a delightful present for the little lady in your life—or the best girlfriends who’ve always had your back. That’s right. This isn’t just for kids. It’s a perfect gift for your girl-squad. Say thanks to the ladies who helped you catch your own moon and live out your dreams by signing the dedication page to them! Or, if you want, Jessa can even email the gift book straight to your friend with a little card. You just let her know when you purchase it! And one more thing: currently all proceeds from this book go to empowering women through educational efforts.

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J. Allan Smith's Children's Book

Tiger the Mule, written by J. Allan Smith from Middle Tennessee, is the latest release by Hilliard Press. This new children's book is full of beautiful colored illustrations and a weighty message that all ages can glean from.

Released at this April at the Mule Day festivities in Columbia, Tennessee, the book is based on a true story. Smith’s experience with troubled teens in public education, his work with rescued mules on the family farm, and his faithfulness to our awesome God has led him to share this road of recovery tale of Tiger the Mule. The story not only speaks to how one should properly treat these hybrid equine, but shares lessons we all can use to help young people who face difficulties in life.

The back of the book explains: One cold, wet, windy day in the rolling green pastures of Tennessee, a baby mule is born. With a unique stripe pattern on his legs, he’s named “Tiger.” Sadly, at only six months old, Tiger is taken away from his mother and brought to a new farm with a new master, who is cruel and abusive. When later sold to the kind Mr. Smith, Tiger is initially distrustful. Can Mr. Smith’s patient love heal the wounds Tiger’s past? Grab a copy to find out!

Click on the cover to purchase from Amazon.

Click on the cover to purchase from Amazon.

Announcing The Hilliard Institute’s Newest Intern


Nashville area native Hannah Chaney has been selected as a writing intern for The Hilliard Institute. In conjunction with this position, she’ll be receiving a scholarship from the Starfish Society, a charitable division of the educational nonprofit.

Hannah loves music, fashion, working with children, and being outdoors in warm-sunny weather. She loves to write and hopes to encourage and inspire others through this expression and maybe write her own book someday.

Feeling called to study ministry, Hannah is excited to see where the Lord leads her in the next chapter of life as she prepares to attend ministry school this fall.

The Hilliard Institute is grateful for the work she’ll be doing in updating website content, writing articles, researching for and working with Hilliard Press, and helping with events.

The Woodfine Young Writers Guild

by Dr. K. Mark Hilliard

The Woodfine Young Writers Guild is a division of the Hilliard Institute for Educational Wellness and Hilliard Press. The purpose is to advance literacy skills and encourage a love for reading and writing in young people.

While a well-recognized organization in England, guilds are not as common in the United States. A guild is an association of artisans, merchants, craftsman, or tradesmen who oversee the practice of their trade so they can pass on their skills, talents, and knowledge to the next generation through mutual aid, teaching, apprenticeship, and a sense of enjoyment in the process. The master of a guild is the organization's head or director and is someone who has proven himself as a master within his or her craft or trade.

Who is Dr. Woodfine?

This Guild is named after Dr. David Woodfine. Dr. Woodfine serves as the master of the Woodfine Young Writers Guild. He is a beloved educator in Oxford, England, and the Chancellor of the Hilliard Institute for Educational Wellness. He served in many roles within the University of Oxford system and taught in other educational systems in England and America. He is the author of five published books, two written for children.


I first met Dr. Woodfine in 2007 while taking part in the Summer Research Institute at Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford, England. David was a major part of the Institute's development and served as the High Steward of Harris Manchester College at that time. David and I became great friends as I returned over the years to Harris Manchester College for further study and research.

With time, he became an integral member of the Hilliard Institute and raising funds for special projects and educational programs, especially for young people. His background is steeped in training them to learn to love the process of learning and to become who they each wish to be within their chosen careers.

The Guild and Hilliard Press

For many years the Hilliard Press has been publishing children’s books as one of our major ongoing educational projects. But we had never published a children’s book written by a child. In 2017, we began developing the Young Writers Guild concept and published the first Woodfine Young Writers Guild book in 2018: The Four Jupiter Brothers, by Charles E. Hilliard, age ten. His book signing, held at Columbia Academy in Columbia, Tennessee, was a huge success, with over 170 people in attendance.

Because of the initial successful partnership with Columbia Academy in 2018, the Woodfine Young Writers Guild is again partnering with this school to conduct a young writers’ competition beginning this summer through October 2019. The goal for this first major project is to encourage children at a very young age to begin to write, and write well.

The initial competition will include participation by students age 8–12. The winners of the competition will have their stories included in the collection of short stories to be published by the Guild in December 2019. The plan is to expand the competition to include more age groups and additional organizations in 2020.

The foremost objective for the Young Writer’s Guild competition is not one of rivalry, but that of a traditional guild—to pass on skills, talents, and knowledge through mutual aid, teaching, apprenticeship, and a sense of enjoyment in the process.

I look forward to seeing how this Guild, and the love of writing among young people, will grow in the coming years.

Compiled and Interviewed by Hannah Chaney

What is Sacred Place and Sacred Space? A Book Reading Video Series with Dr. Mark Hilliard

Last month, Dr. K. Mark Hilliard presented portions of his latest publication at his book launch in Leiper's Fork, Tennessee. Portions of his talk are available here in three video clips.

First of all, Dr. Hilliard defines the terms "sacred place and sacred space."

In a longer clip, Dr. Hilliard tells us the fascinating story behind the book's title, The Crow's Enchanted Dance, which was inspired by a personal experience on the Cherokee Indian Reservation in Cherokee, North Carolina. He also answers "what is sacred" by dividing the term into three different types before he dives deep into the idea that there is a sixth sense: the spiritual. 

Next, Dr. Hilliard defines what a "place" and "space" are. You'll notice a lot of movement at the beginning of this video clip. Hilliard Press expected 40-50 people at the launch, but the crowd grew far beyond that. Those at Big East Fork Retreat were gracious enough to move chairs around so those who had been standing could squeeze in and sit. What a wonderful "problem" to have!

So what is "sacred space," then? Dr. Hilliard defines it as "a portal or a uninterrupted space or an open expanse within which or around which or through which life's energy flows or is stored and then released." Learn more in the video below. 

"Without mystery, life is an artless journey of the mundane." Mystery, the imagination, and enchantment: all of these are closely tied to sacred space. Find out how on the next clip. 

"Knowledge can tell us about a place. But it cannot lead us in." Sacred places and sacred spaces are real, literal locations. But entering them and truly experiencing them requires us to lose ourselves, in a way, for a period of time. 

Thanks for watching!

If you want to purchase a copy of Dr. K. Mark Hilliard's book, click on the image below. 

We also want to thank director Ryan Estabrooks for his work on this video series. Despite his filming being disrupted by such an unexpectedly large crowd (which we give thanks for rather than complaints about), he still produced exactly what we hoped for. 

Passion, Purpose, and Challenges

by Lori Bumgarner

Last week, I got to witness true passion and the universal desire for purpose. I found myself in the middle of the Amazon jungle gathered with pastors from small villages situated along the vast Amazon River. These pastors have a deep passion for providing care to the forgotten people of the Amazon. Their purpose is to show God’s love to their fellow natives and to share the Gospel, regardless of the challenge or the sacrifice. Through their actions, they let their people know that even though they’re isolated from the rest of the world, they’re not forgotten.

To fulfill this purpose, they traveled by boat, many for days at a time, to the annual  jungle pastors’ conference to learn things they can take back to their villages and their churches. The team I served on also had a long journey to the conference center in the Amazon jungle. We gave up the comforts of home such as air conditioning, hot water, and standard plumbing to teach them. But our sacrifices were unlike the sacrifices I heard of from the pastors and their wives.

Bumgarner presenting with her translator, Harold Pinto

Bumgarner presenting with her translator, Harold Pinto

Through those with the skill for translation, I heard the story of one woman who traveled nearly 36 hours to attend the conference. Her husband had to stay behind in their village to work his other job. She told us of her and her husband’s vision to build a new church in a poor far-away village. When we asked her how far away, she responded in thick Portuguese, “A seven-day boat trip.”

This is no seven-day river cruise on a luxury liner like the ones you see in those “don’t-you-want-my-life?” Instagram posts. She and her husband will soon take this long and treacherous journey in piranha-infested waters, requiring them to leave their grown children, perhaps never to see them again. This is real passion. Real purpose. Real nobility. With real challenges.

Read the rest of Lori's blog post on her trip to the Amazon, plus information on how you can help these pastors and their wives by clicking here

Bumgarner at the book release for her latestLori was using the profits from SUP: Spiritual Understanding and Prayer on a Stand Up Paddleboard to fund her mission trip; now that this trip is complete, she donates all profits to cover the costs of job…

Bumgarner at the book release for her latest

Lori was using the profits from SUP: Spiritual Understanding and Prayer on a Stand Up Paddleboard to fund her mission trip; now that this trip is complete, she donates all profits to cover the costs of job search training and more for those served by four local and international non-profits, including Justice and Mercy Amazon. Purchase your copy here


This post is an excerpt from my newly-released book, a 30-day devotional entitled Spiritual Understanding & Prayer on a SUP (Hilliard Press). The book is available online through Hilliard Press and on Amazon. (Profits go to support my mission trip to Brazil with Justice & Mercy Amazon.)

But Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray. (Luke 5:16 NASB)

One of my spiritual gifts is the gift of encouragement. In every type of professional work I’ve done, I’ve been able to use my gift to serve my clients and my students. Likewise, in certain friendships and relationships, I’ve had the opportunity to give comfort and confidence to others in times of sorrow and anxiety, and have also had it reciprocated. To get to operate in my spiritual gift is an encouragement to me.

I remember listening to a podcast series by a well-respected pastor on the topic of encouragement. He said that people are in more need of reassurance and relief today than ever in the history of the world. He described different ways we can be an encouragement to others, and how we can be an encouragement to ourselves when we need it most. The pastor said one way we can reassure and restore ourselves is through solitude.

Solitude may be something some people are uncomfortable with, but I’ve learned to relish it, even when I don’t feel like being alone. Here’s what the pastor had to say about solitude:

Click here to read the rest of Lori's post on her blog. 

Book Tour Underway in Ireland

Dr. K. Mark Hilliard’s book launch in Ireland has started off tremendously with a June 7th release at Castle Durrow in Durrow, Ireland. Hilliard is seen here reading a portion of The Crow’s Enchanted Dance before signing copies for attendees. On June 8th, the adventure continued as The Midlands 103 radio station interviewed Dr. Hilliard on his latest publication as well as the class on sacred space he is currently co-teaching with artist Jock Nichol at the Abbeyleix Further Education Centre.
In this course, Professor Hilliard spends the morning with students discussing various aspects of sacred place and space. Each afternoon the students go out into nature to experience sacred space and then afterwards express their experiences through painting, drawing, photography, writing. Sacred sites include the Slieve Bloom Mountains, the Killamuck Bog, the Rock of Dunamase, the Mass Rock, Saint Fintan's Holy Well, Saint Michael and All Angels Church of Ireland, The Sexton House, etc. The course will end on June 16th with another book signing at the Abbeyleix Heritage House along with an art exhibit by the students taking the Sacred Place and Sacred Space course.
Hilliard will also present a reading and book signing in Mountrath, Ireland, on June 14th. Once his Irish book tour is complete, Dr. Hilliard will return to the States for the official American release of his book. Keep looking for more information about this event!

Hilliard Press's Latest Publication

The Hilliard Institute is proud to announce our latest publication—SUP: Spiritual Understanding and Prayer on a Stand Up Paddleboard by Lori Bumgarner.

Lori Bumgarner began stand up paddling (SUP) in the early summer of 2014 at a time when she was questioning where her business and career were headed. What started out as a hobby became an opportunity for spiritual and personal growth. For Lori, paddling provided a quiet place away from her day-to-day environment to truly hear from God as she was constantly reminded of His Word each time she was out on the water. Her thoughts lead her to beginning a new blog, a way to share some of the lessons she learned in these times of reflection.

“The idea to turn some of my SUP blog entries into a devotional book came at the encouragement of my publisher, Hilliard Press,” Bumgarner explains. “Hilliard Press published my first book, the Amazon #1 bestselling book Advance Your Image, and wanted a second book from me. As an answer to their request, I originally thought about doing an instructional book on how to discover your passions and find work you love, but the Holy Spirit led me in a different direction.”

Lori soon realized that the book sales would offer the perfect fundraising for her first mission trip. This summer, she’ll be heading to Brazil with her church. “We’ll be traveling down the Amazon River on a small boat and sleeping in hammocks while making stops at small communities along the river helping with everything from construction and home visits to ministry at local churches.” Proceeds from this book will go to Justice and Mercy Amazon. Your purchase will not only result in a delightful new devotional for yourself (or a gift for a friend), but it will also make a difference in the lives of others.

author Lori Bumgarner and her SUP

author Lori Bumgarner and her SUP

Even if you aren’t into stand up paddleboarding, this book still has valuable insights to offer. Lori shares, “While your interest may be something totally different from my love of SUP, I pray that, as you read this devotional book, you’ll be able to see God’s Word reflected in your own passions and pursuits. Don’t just listen to Him when you’re reading your Bible and praying, but also when you’re working and playing. He’s still speaking even then.”

To read additional blog entries from “Spiritual Understanding & Prayer on a SUP,” go here.


Click on the book cover image at the top of this article to purchase. Click here to share a tax-deductible donation directly to Lori’s mission trip. 

Dr. Hilliard's Book Release in Ireland

Our very own Vice Chancellor and President, Dr. K. Mark Hilliard, is excited to announce his latest book release this summer--in Ireland!

Below is the announcement directly from Abbeyleix, Co. Laois, Ireland. 

- Abbeyleix / County Laois Talks/Book Signing Events, 5-18 June, 2017 - 

Dr. K. Mark Hilliard, B.S., M.S., D.Arts

Dr. Mark Hilliard, a behavioral science professor, will be back in Abbeyleix and traveling throughout County Laois this June 2017 to release his new book, The Crow’s Enchanted Dance: The Phenomenology of Sacred Place and Sacred Space.

The book will be launched in Ireland one month before its released in the United States. Dr. Hilliard retired in 2014 from O’More College, a college with deep Irish roots, founded by Eloise O’More and her children Donna and Rory O’More of the O’More clan from Laois. You might remember Dr. Hilliard from the many summers he oversaw O’More-Ireland, bringing students to live and study in Abbeyleix each year. 

After retiring from thirty years as a public educator, Dr. Hilliard opened The Hilliard Institute, a non-profit academic and philanthropic agency that conducts research and offers unique educational training opportunities throughout the United States, Ireland, and England. He is the author of seven books on everything from holistic wellness, to spirit-ritual, to global-competency, and now his latest book on the concept of sacred place and sacred. 

Professor Hilliard will be teaching a course at the Abbeyleix Further Education Centre on 5-16 of June (Abbeyleix FEC Art Department). 

He will be available for multiple book signings and talks about sacred place and space during the evenings and weekends during his time in County Laois. This unique summer education program plans to end with an art exhibition provided by the FEC students who take the course, along with a talk and book signing by Dr. Hilliard on 16th June 2017. 

Confirmed venues with dates and dates TBC are listed below.

Sacred Place and Sacred Space Talks and Book Signings, County Laois

June 2017
1. Abbeyleix Further Education Centre: Friday, June 16
2. Abbeyleix Heritage House: TBC
3. Blackhill Woods Retreat: TBC
4. Castle Durrow: TBC
5. Mountrath Community Forum: TBC

photo by Emily Mae Bergeron

photo by Emily Mae Bergeron